S S Adams
Jiffy Coin Trick
Jiffy Coin Trick -SS AdamsAn early S.S. Adams classic probably manufactured between 1930s-1960s. Comes in it's original packaging and includes the two metal containers, the bag, a metal slide, rubber bands and a sheet of instructions with six illustrations. Box and instructions slightly yellowed from age.

The effect as described on the box:
You can do it in two seconds. A marked coin is placed in your pocket. In TWO seconds you produce a RED SEALED metal box which contains a GREEN SEALED metal box. When the green box is opened it contains a red SEALED bag. The marked coin is IN the bag.


  Magic Coin Box
Magic Coin Box -SS AdamsAn early S.S. Adams classic probably manufactured between 1930s-1960s. Comes in it's original packaging and includes a white cardboard box, a match box, a metal slide, rubber bands, a cotton/paper bag and a sheet of instructions with four illustrations. Box and instructions slightly yellowed from age.

The effect as described on the box:
A marked coin is placed in the pocket. In THREE seconds you produce a SEALED box containing a SEALED match-box with a SEALED bag inside. The marked coin is IN the bag!


Cigarette Vanisher
Cigarette Vanisher - SS AdamsAn early S.S. Adams classic probably manufactured between 1930s-1960s. Comes in it's original packaging and includes a metal cigarette vanisher, and a small blue sheet of instructions. Box and instructions slightly yellowed from age.

The effect as described on the box:
A LIT cigarette disappears while you look right at it. Done with the hands outstretched, sleeves rolled up.


Adams Slum Magic Package #1
Adams Slum Magic Package #1 -SS AdamsThree early S.S. Adams classics probably manufactured in the late 1950s. Comes in their original packaging and include the props and instructions. You get:

Miracle Box:
Described as: This is one of the most mysterious of all pocket tricks. When the box is opened, anyone can insert bills, cigarettes, or any small item. You take the box and ask them to close the drawer. Immediately when they again pull open the drawer it will be absolutely empty. Full instructions for presenting it are enclosed in the box. Copyright 1957 -- originally sold for $0.79.
Shell Trick:
Described as: Rubber ball is placed under one of three shells. With a little manipulation, ball will transfer from one shell to another. Full instructions enclosed. Originally sold for $0.25.
Pop Bottle Trick:
Described as: A pop bottle, filled with water, may be turned upside down. Toothpicks or matches inserted in the neck of the bottle, will float to the top. Copyright 1959 -- originally sold for $0.19.

Purchased separately in the 1950s the above three items (Miracle Box, Shell Trick, and Pop Bottle Trick) would have cost you $1.23 -- Now as semi-collectibles, 40+ years later, you can have all three of them as a set for only $10.00.


Vanishing Half Dollar
Vanishing Half Dollar -SS AdamsAn early S.S. Adams classic probably manufactured between 1930s-1960s. Comes in it's original packaging and includes the glass, a gimmick made of glass and a small sheet of instructions. Box and instructions slightly yellowed from age.

The effect as described on the box:
A silver half dollar dropped in this wine glass will disappear. A spectator may drop the coin; the clink is plainly heard, but the coin is gone.


A division of Meir Yedid Magic —
© Copyright 1979-2017 by Meir Yedid. All rights reserved.